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Didaskalia is Providence’s peer-reviewed academic journal, published annually by ProvPress, a division of Providence Theological Seminary. The journal aspires to make high quality interdisciplinary scholarship of a theologically reflective nature available and accessible to the broader church community.

Upcoming issues will engage with the themes of:

  • The Bible
  • Ministry in the Prairies


Encompassing a vast geographical expanse shaped by distinct history and cultures, the big skies of the Canadian Prairies provide a unique context for Christian ministry. While there is much material that comes out of the United States and, to a lesser degree, major urban centers in Canada, there has been a relative paucity of theological reflection on the challenges and opportunities presented to Christian ministry in the Canadian Prairies. For this reason, Didaskalia, the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary theological journal of Providence, will be publishing an upcoming issue on the theme of “Ministry in the Prairies.”

As they are putting together this issue, the editorial board of Didaskalia, would like to hear from as many ministry practitioners as possible. Those serving in any type of ministry context within the Canadian Prairies (eg. – pastoral ministry, chaplaincy, parachurch ministry, etc.) are invited to submit a 750-word reflection focusing on the challenges and opportunities faced in their unique ministry context.

Guidelines for potential contributors to Didaskalia can be found here. Submissions are due by June 30, 2024, and should be sent to didaskalia@prov.ca.


Next Issue

The next issue of Didaskalia will be on the theme of “Ministry in the Prairies,” which will include topics related to pastoral work, chaplaincy and parachurch ministry in a central to western Canadian context.


Current Issue

The latest, published issue of Didaskalia is on the topic of ENGAGING SCRIPTURE. This includes peer-reviewed articles, submissions “From the Front Lines” and “From the Pulpit to the Lectern,” and a variety of book reviews. Find more information about the publication HERE.


Past Issue

The last issue of Didaskalia was on theme of DEATH AND RESURRECTION. Preview a conversation with David Guretzki, Kristin Harris and Paul Blair about end-of-life issues HERE, and find more information about this edition HERE.



To receive the upcoming issue of Didaskalia, please fill out our Subscription Form.


If you’re interested in writing for Didaskalia, click here for more details and submission guidelines.